
Natural Disasters


Kid's Zone
Tornado In A Bottle
(2) 2-liter clear plastic pop bottles (empty and clean)
duct tape or you can purchase a Tornado Tube at the Weather Wiz Kids® Store that will connect the (2) 2-liter bottles together
Fill one of the bottles two-thirds full of water.
Take the Tornado Tube and twist it on the first bottle. Then, grab the second bottle and attach it to the Tornado Tube.
Or use duct tape to fasten the two containers. Make sure to tape tightly to make sure that no water will leak out when you turn the bottle over.
Turn the tornado maker, so that the bottle with the water is on top. Swirl the bottle in a circular motion. Most tornadoes form counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. A tornado will form in the top bottle as the water rushes into the bottom bottle.
*If you want to get creative, you can also use food coloring to make the tornado have a color and glitter to represent debris.
The swirling motion you give the bottle forms a vortex and is a easy way to create your own tornado.