
Natural Disasters


Kid's Zone
Weather Folklore

Whether it’s cold or whether it’s hot; We shall have weather, whether or not!
No weather is ill, if the wind is still.
NEWS and weather; they travel together.
A sunshiny shower won’t last half an hour.
Rain, rain go away; come back another day.
Clear moon, frost soon.
The moon and the weather may change together, but change of the moon does not change the weather.
From twelve ‘til two tells what the day will do.
The more rain, the more rest; fair weather’s not always best.
When sea birds fly to land there truly is a storm at hand.
To talk of the weather is nothing but folly; when it rains on the hill, it suns in the valley.
It rains as long as it takes rain to come.
The sharper the blast, the sooner it’s past.
Yellow streaks in sunset sky, wind and daylong rain is nigh.
Year of snow, fruit will grow.
The chill is on, near and far, in all the months that have an ‘R’.
Rainbow at noon, more rain soon.
The south wind brings wet weather…the north wind, wet and cold together; the west wind always brings us rain…the east wind blows it back again.
When a cow tries to scratch her ear it means a shower is very near.
Onionskin is very thin, mild winter is coming in. Onionskin is thick and tough winter will be cold and rough.
Ice in November to walk a duck, the winter will be all rain and muck.
Rain before seven, quit by eleven.
When the stars begin to huddle the earth will soon begin to puddle.
Evening red and morning gray speed the traveler on his way. Evening gray and morning red bring down rain upon his head.
Rainbow in the east, sailors at peace. Rainbow in the west, sailors in distress.
Pale moon doth rain, red moon doth blow, white moon doth neither rain nor snow.
When the dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass.
Rainbow in the morning, shepherds take warning; rainbow at night, shepherds’ delight.